Meet Andrew
Andrew Saundry is a Progressive Democratic organizer based out of his hometown of Germantown, MD. A recent graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, Andrew is proud to serve Montgomery County Democrats as President of the Germantown Democratic Club and an At-Large member of your Democratic Central Committee. He is committed to expanding the big tent that is the Democratic Party by registering new young voters and ensuring disillusioned voters find a home with us.
When Andrew was laid off from his two service sector jobs at the start of COVID-19 pandemic, he looked around to search for ways that he could help those in need in his community. Unfortunately, he did not have to look far. From volunteering at a number of local food pantries to helping pack boxes for those in need, Andrew has found ways to serve his community during this time of immense hardship.
Leading up to the 2020 election, Andrew revived the Germantown Democratic Club after a decade in dormancy to bring energy and attention back to his home in the UpCounty. He organized events for residents to meet their elected officials and volunteer opportunities to get out the vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot. He helped organize volunteers for poll watching during early voting throughout District 15, creating one final chance for voters to hear from the Democratic Party before they voted. In 2021, he won the Montgomery County Young Democrats Outstanding Leader of the Year Award.
Andrew was elected to a full term on the MCDCC in 2022 with 57,732 votes across Montgomery County including 6,785 in his own District 15. He was subsequently elected unanimously by his colleagues as Treasurer of the MCDCC.
Andrew is a progressive Democrat who believes that we are only as well off as the most vulnerable among us. He knows that the role of government is to ensure a decent basic standard of living for all its people and provide for the Four Freedoms: articulated by President Franklin Roosevelt: "freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear."